Rating (P-2.5)
History: House built in 1907. Report of possible activity in the exterior buildings, as well as the deceased pet cat being felt in the house.
- Friday Night: 10:30 pm. In backyard, we saw a light that seemed to be ducking in and out in the tall grass at the edge of a field. Lasted about 20 minutes. One of the people in the house, Allen, came out to join us and also witnessed the figure. · Saturday: 10:00 am. While doing an EVP session on the front porch, we established the presence of a small boy. Earlier, a small box with lights had been placed on the window sill on the stairwell. We asked the small boy to go inside and press the button on the box, to make the lights come on. Steve went upstairs a few minutes later and the lights on the box were blinking. · 11:00 am. The two men working outside the barn saw a figure move by the door inside the barn and came to get us. When we investigated, we went to the far room in the barn, and while doing an EVP session, we asked the entity to make a noise, or move something to show that they were there. The table, about 2 feet behind where Steve was standing suddenly moved. When we checked it out, the objects on the table were still rocking. A conversation was heard in the main area of the barn. · 8:00 pm. In the barn (with all visitors to the house present) we held an EVP session. Various noises were heard and some of the people thought they heard a voices in the small passageway between the two rooms in the barn. Photos showed several large orbs. The figure was seen again in the field, and when we went to investigate we got some bizarre readings from the temperature gun…ranging from 50° down to 13°. The ambient temperature was in the low 50s. · Sunday: In the barn across the street, while doing an EVP session we heard loud knocking on the wall in response to our request. I went to investigate and found nothing there. The knocking was not in the pattern done by a woodpecker or other animal, it sounded like a fist hitting the wall (click on sound file below).
Click to hear knocking in stable
Click to hear barn table move.
EVANS FORT, Martinsburg, WV
Rating: P-2
- While recording the interview session, a series of thumps was heard during the segment in the basement and a child’s voice was heard as we were walking into the house. When the voice of the resident child was played back, there was a distinct difference.
- 8:00 pm: In the backyard Steve and Jill reported seeing the mist that had been reported. Also Steve believed he had seen a ‘movement’ followed by the smell of gunpowder.
- 8:15 pm: While doing an EVP session in the basement with Carol and Heather, Darla received a positive response on the K-2 EMF device when she asked for someone to come close to the instrument and make the lights come on. This continued when they were joined by Steve and Jill. Also when she asked if there was anyone there who was a slave that had been shackled in there, she got a response of “Yes.”.
- 10:00 pm—12:00pm: One team was in the small bedroom with keyboard when footsteps were heard outside the door, when we checked, there was no one there. The video camera set up on the stairway also picked up the sound of heavy footsteps and a sigh. Also during this time, the team in the attic bedroom was experiencing drastic temperature variations. At one point the attic bedroom was 13 degrees colder than our room below it.
- 12:00 am—1:00 am: while in the kitchen 3 members of the team heard a female voice singing.
Clink link below to watch video of footsteps and sigh on the stairway.